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Page history last edited by 301 15 years, 7 months ago

 This page will be used to collect and share our work on the learning theories project.  Once you have researched your learning theory, each group will need to create a link to a new page where you'll write up your findings to share with the class.  (Visit the projects page to refresh your memory on what the write up needs to include.)  You should include images and other media as well.


Remember that you MUST NOT copy and paste directly from a website.  This is plagiarism, and is unacceptable (and yes, I will be checking).  Use good writing practices: paraphrase, use quotes when appropriate, and cite all sources and images by including a link to the website where the information originally appears.



Create a link to a new wiki page  

Create a link to an existing wiki page

Add an image to your wiki page

(NOTE: before following the instructions in this link, you will first need to download the image to your computer; right-click on the image and choose the Save option)

Create a link to a website outside of the wiki


Group pages (create a link to your theory's home page below):





Operant Conditioning- Danielle, Jen, Brooke


Problem Based Learning


Communites of Practice (JLS)

Developmental Theory (Piaget)

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